Freelance Photographer Singapore

At The Digital Moments, we provide professional photography and videography services (opened & curated by International Multi Award Winning Photographer Ken). We pride ourselves in providing you with proper photography that will record your occasion. Quantity over Quality.

Outdoor & Portrait Photography Rate in 2025

Styles: Individual Portraits, Corporate Portraits or Headshots, Family, Couple, Friends

  • 1 Hour: $270
  • Subsequent Hours: $175/ Hour

For other types of photography, do contact us for a customised quote.

Event Photography Rate in 2025

Styles: Birthday, Anniversaries, Social Gatherings, Private parties, Shop Opening, Product launches, Corporate Events

  • 1 Hour: $270
  • 2 Hours: $370
  • 3 Hours & above: $175/ hour

The Digital Moments covers a wide range of Photography Services that will suit private and corporate clients.

Why Choose Us?

1. Curated & Experienced Professional Photography Team

Only the best stays with us.

We edit, then export the RAWS to high-quality jpegs (300 DPI at 100%) for our workflow. Photos are delivered within 5 working days. If you need photos to be delivered faster, we have expedited submission of photos within 24 hours at $280.

2. Expect High-Quality Images

Our clients receive our photos with high clarity and contrast. For portraits, they will be usually photographed with high end lenses that renders beautiful background bokeh.

We shoot in only RAW formats because no Jpegs are good enough.

For our workflow, we go through them one by one and thats the only way for quality. It is a tedious process but thats how it works for all professionals worldwide. Non publishable photos (Eg; closed eyes, blurred), are sieved out.

3. Exceptional Photography Experience

Expect an outstanding quality of work. We are dedicated to providing quality and beautiful photography catered to your liking and style.
During the photography session with us, we emphasize on you and your family or friends.

For natural looking expressions, we always make you feel relaxed prior and ensure that the entire photo shoot experience will be a worth.

Contact us now to book your slot!

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